Check-in opens 120 minutes prior to departure at Aberdeen and Lerwick and 90 minutes prior to departure at Hatston, Stromness and Scrabster.
Check-in closes 30 minutes prior to departure at all ports and if you have not checked in at least 30 minutes prior to departure you will not be allowed on board.
Car drivers are recommended to check-in at least 1 hour prior to departure.
Pentland Firth Arrivals and Departures
Updated on Saturday 8th February at 16:21
M.V Hamnavoe
- Departed Stromness at 16:21 sailing for Scrabster
- Scheduled arrival time in Scrabster is 18:15
- The next scheduled sailing will depart Scrabster at 19:00 sailing for Stromness
- Passenger and vehicle check-in opens at 17:30
- Passenger and vehicle check-in closes at 18:30
- All passengers are reminded to bring their booking reference numbers with them for check-in.
- For more information call us on 0800 111 4422 (UK), +44 (0) 1856 885500 International.
Aberdeen Arrivals and Departures
Updated on Saturday 8th February at 06:57
M.V Hrossey
- M.V Hrossey arrived in Aberdeen at 06:57 and is scheduled to depart at 17:00 sailing for Kirkwall (Hatston Pier) and Lerwick
- Passenger and car check-in will open at 15:00.
- Final passenger and car check-in at 16:30.
- Car drivers are recommended to check-in at least 1 hour prior to departure.
- All passengers are reminded to bring their booking reference numbers with them for check-in.
- For further information please call 0845 6000 449.
Kirkwall (Hatston Pier) Arrivals and Departures
Updated on Saturday 8th February at 06:33
MV Hrossey
- The next scheduled departure from Kirkwall (Hatston Pier) is the 23:45 sailing to Lerwick on Saturday 8th February
- Passenger and vehicle check-in opens at 22:15
- Final passenger and vehicle check-in time is 23:15
- All vehicle drivers are recommended to Check-in at least 1 hour prior to departure.
- All passengers are reminded to bring their booking reference numbers with them for check-in.
- For more information, please call 08001114422 (free from UK landlines and mobiles) or +44 (0)1856 885500 (international).
Lerwick Arrivals and Departures
Updated on Saturday 8th February 07:38
MV Hjaltland
- Arrived in Lerwick at 07:30 and is scheduled to depart at 19:00 sailing for Aberdeen.
- Passenger and vehicle check-in opens at 17:00
- Final passenger and vehicle check-in time is 18:30
- All vehicle drivers are recommended to check-in at least 1 hour prior to departure.
- All passengers are reminded to bring their booking reference numbers with them for check-in.
- For more information, please call 08001114422 (free from UK landlines and mobiles) or +44 (0)1856 885500 (international).
Sunday 9th February
For operational reasons, all passengers will need to leave the ship on arrival in Aberdeen at 07:00 on Monday.
For further information please call 08001114422 (free from UK landlines and mobiles) or +44 (0)1856 885500 (international).
Freight Vessel Services
Updated on Saturday 8th February at 10:19
Freight Vessel Services
M.V Helliar
- Arrived in Lerwick at 10:00.
- M.V Helliar is scheduled to depart Lerwick sailing for Kirkwall (Hatston Pier) and Aberdeen at 17:00.
M.V Hildasay
- Arrived in Aberdeen at 07:32.
- M.V Hildasay is scheduled to depart Aberdeen sailing for Lerwick at 18:00.