Changed your address?

Have you changed your surname, your postal address, your email or your phone number? You can easily update the information associated with your NorthLink Ferries ID online!

  1. In order to update your information, please click on the login link.
  2. Type your NorthLink ID and Password into the boxes and click the log in button.
    If you have forgotten your NorthLink ID or Password, please request a reminder!
  3. Click on the link marked Customer Details.
  4. You will then be able to update the information associated with your NorthLink ID.
  5. Once you are satisfied all your details are correct, click the Update details button.

Please note: if you encounter any difficulties logging in, and the automated Forgotten ID page does not locate your NorthLink ID, please use our NorthLink ID issues page. This service is a manual process which can take several days.

When requesting a reminder of your ID, please check that emails from NorthLink Ferries do not arrive in your Junk mail folder.

Header image: NorthLink vessel MV Hrossey arriving in Shetland in winter photo © Copyright Austin Taylor Photography